Title | Devops Engineer |
Posting Date: | 09/25/2018 |
Location: | Texas |
Job Type | Full Time |
- Terraform templates and ansible to deploy ELK cluster for log analysis and report generation using kibana.
- Create Docker Design new work flow models for Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery using Jenkins.
- Create various pipelines and jobs using groovy, for automate Build, test and deploying the applications to Development, Test , and Production environment
- Integrate source version control tool as Github, and nexus version control repository manager as artifacts storage and monitoring tools to identify the bottlenecks.
- Design and Implemented Ansible Playbooks using python SSH to deploy machines in Oregon production to provide Infrastructure as a Service.
- Work on writing containers/images for eliminating a source of friction between development and operations and deploying using Kubernetes clusters.
- Build Docker machine as a virtualization between systems.
- Work on designing and deploying AWS Solutions using EC2, S3, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto Scaling groups, Cloud Watch and Cloud Formation, Cloud as a code with Ansible.
- Create Run Books on procedures, installation, deployment that help perform Automation jobs.